October 14, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Gus Janeway at 6:46
In attendance
President Gus Janeway, Secretary Aleah Heil, Arianna Van Heusen, Debbie Tegarden, Sue McGrath, Trish Dorr, Mia Driscoll, Kari Smith, Glenna Stiles, Cat Gould, Mary Snowden.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes were read from the September meeting and changed to include Debbie Tegarden. Glenna Stiles moved to approve minutes, Cat Gould seconded it and minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
Teachers Report
Grants for grade levels. Teachers will determine amounts necessary by grade level and will provide documentation of proper use of money in a three ring binder. School wide reading under way and so far successful. Stream HOBOS went into the Bear Creek for the Ashland Pond project. Laminator is wonderful! Discussion on sound boards continued with no resolution at this time.
Treasurer was absent.
New Business
- Cat Gould proposed No idle zone committee.
- After School Art Program budget was discussed-Meredith Page
- Cat Gould paper reduction in Friday Folders. Ideas about a community bulletin board. Possibly have Melinda send flyers via email.
- Start a committee to move Friday Folders to a PDF format for parents to get information.
- Tennis Court Garden Committee started by Debbie and Kerry Tegarden.
- Helman T-shirt Lime green give away for parents who sign up to be Parent Reps for their child’s teacher.
Amend the standing rules. PTA meetings will be held every 2nd Tuesday of the month during the school year. Changed to meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month for PTA. Cat amended the 2nd Tuesday to move to the 3rd Tuesday. Mia seconds, passed unanimously. Mia moves to approve the standing rules, Arianna seconds it, passed unanimously.
Next Meeting: November 18, 2014
Motion to adjourn was made at 8:03 and was passed unanimously.