Helman Elementary School PTA
September 11, 2018
6:30pm – 8:00pm
- Call to Order/Introductions/Attendance
- Called to order at 6:32pm
- Attendance: Joe Shannon (President), Keri Pennell (Vice-President), Shane Hunter (Treasurer), Amy Merwin (Secretary), Erin Stone, Michelle Cruz, Leah Halpert, Richard Halpert, Vivian Dygert-Diaz, Lisa Yamashita, Kirk Drake, Michelle Cuddeback (Principal), Martin Huggins, Becky Sniffen
- Approval of Minutes (June 8, 2018)
- Vivian made a motionto pass the minutes as written. Motion passed by vote.
- Vivian made a motionto pass the minutes as written. Motion passed by vote.
- Financial Report
- Financial Debrief/Revenue Report
- End-of-year (EOY) report is down from beginning of year. Able to spend appropriate amount of funds, including cafeteria soundboards. Funded OBOB, corkboards in cafeteria, classroom supplies, and more.
- Report September 2018: Total assets $23,875.69. For every $10 membership the PTA receives, state keeps $9.50 and Helman keeps $.50.
- Question about what is HUG Fund. Shane explained.
- Question about Backpack Program. Joe explained.
- Keri made a motionto approve new budget with changes as written in report (i.e. HUG fund increase of $200 ($300 to $500) and updated class size for teacher budgets). Motion passed by vote.
- Schedule audit (1 volunteer needed): Kirk Drake volunteered to help Shane
- Vote on standing rules. Special Committees can be formed as deemed necessary. Standing rules reviewed by Shane. Quorum: 6 voting members for quorum at general meetings (3 at executive meetings). Amy made a motionto pass standing rules as written. Motion passed by vote. Shane will send via email.
- Financial Debrief/Revenue Report
- Debrief Session
- Yahoo/Boohoo Coffee
- First year we combined the two (usually Yahoo is a week prior to Boohoo). That way new parents can meet returning parents and there is one less organizing event for PTA.
- Feedback: great idea to combine the two events. Communicate earlier to parents and teachers that Yahoo is one week later.
- Request to start earlier since classrooms are open early. Maybe start at 8:00am to accommodate parents who need to leave earlier.
- Review volunteer sign-up sheets
- Vivian will put on Google Docs and open up members and event coordinators.
- Vivian will put on Google Docs and open up members and event coordinators.
- Yahoo/Boohoo Coffee
- Upcoming Events
- Helman Hoedown 9/27, 5-7pm
- Maybe sell tickets for Cupcake Shake early so the line would not be so long. Vivian will ask Amy S. and Courtney B. (Cupcake Shake Coordinators) to sell tickets outside of office a few days before the Hoedown. Amy M. will start sign-up sheet for teachers to serve dinner.
- Joe has shopping list. Same number of families as last year. Organizing with new kitchen crew. Backporch donates some food. Michelle Ross’s farm usually donates. Shop-n-Kart usually donates. Keri asked Vivian if we have enough volunteers. List has five people on it. Joe will recruit.
- Walkathon 10/16
- One of two main fundraisers
- Gus, Erin, Christine running it
- Helman Hoedown 9/27, 5-7pm
- Open Floor/Ideas/Proposals
- Staff room appliances: proposal from Randy McWhorter (presented by Amy M.) for new refrigerator and microwaves for staff room. PTA very supportive of the idea and will do some research into best pricing. Will move forward ASAP.
- New Helman Track proposal
- Michelle C.: Big donation last year that will help make headway into getting a new track. Cost is about $12,000 for a new track. Donation is $10,000; asking PTA for $2000-$2500. Walkathon could help motivation for donations. District agreed to do upkeep of the track. Could break ground soon after Walkathon.
- Michelle addressed questions about material, time of construction, etc. Michelle will pass on information about track to PTA and families.
- Becky made a motionto approve up to $2500 to cover the remaining cost of a new track. Motion passed by vote.
- School Photos
- Michelle resurfaced discussion about Bryon DeVore vs. Lifetouch. DeVore is slightly expensive. Bryon gives great outdoor pictures but this year indoor due to smoke so address if worth cost. Maybe do Survey Monkey for more feedback after packages come out from this year.
- Lego Team (Vivian):
- Would like a league team for 4thand 5thgrade. Non-competitive 4thgrade team and competitive 5thgrade team.
- Vivian and husband interested in leading 4thgrade team. Kirk offered to participate.
- Each kit costs $900 for registration and materials. Challenge laid out in August. Students could raise funds.
- Asking PTA to fund it. Maybe community business sponsors. Maybe PTA could match funds raised.
- Kirk suggested starting a sub-committee to get the program going.
- Open positions
- Website: Martin expressed interest in helping out
- Social Media Coordinator: Martin expressed interest in helping out
- Projects to fund/ideas? (tabled until next meeting in interest of time)
- Next meeting
- October 9th, 2018
- Meeting adjourned at 8:06pm