In attendance: Trish Dorr, Teresa Yurchis, Arianna Van Heusen, Philip Krayna,
Marisa Dunbrasky, Mary Snowden, Mia Driscoll, Michelle Cuddeback,
Niki DelPizzo, Melina Barker, Brenda Cornett, Julie McGrath, Sue McGrath,
Michelle Ross, Blaine Pickett, Debbie Tegardon, Erin Finney, Aleah Heil,
Meredith Page, Glenna Stiles, Becky Sniffen, Jill Williams, John Williams,
Laurie Kemper, Gus Janeway
Call to order – 6:30pm
Tia McLean reported on the history of Helman School’s partnership with Lomakatsi on the Ashland
Pond Project and streamside restoration.
2 AHS girls watching attending kids in Trish’s room
Thank You Glenna for arranging this!
Minutes from June/July:
Philip moved to approve, Arianna seconded – unanimously approved
Arianna moved to approve Sept minutes, Philip seconded – unanimously approved
Volunteer postions:
seeking Webmaster to manage website
ask person who’s working on yearbook if he can or knows of someone who can
66 members, 44 of whom are new!!!
Aleah will encourage more to join 🙂
Audit Report:
Arianna reports that Helman PTA’s financial records are concise and organized
Employees at Intuit can donate Quickbboks software, which happened and our files easily transferred
from our old program to this new one.
Trish moved to approve findings of audit, Becky seconded – unanimously approved
**Thank You notes matter!!!
Financial Report:
Laurie created a report of our standing this fiscal year:
RFCU checking: $12,629.58 (w/$2629.54 in outstanding checks) = $10,000.04
RFCU savings: $1000.10
WF checking: $500.00
WF savings: $3656.28
Total overall: $15,156.42
PTA has begun paying out classroom grants.
Gus will buy stamps and envelopes for Tia’s thank you notes.
Hoedown: Go Sheri and Raleigh!!!
Blaine moved to approve financial report, Arianna seconded – unanimously approved
RVF2Sw/Melina Barker:
local luncheon at all schools next week, Oct 16th, will have a 2nd one in ’14.
goals are to serve just local foods, increase participation on these days and promote widely!
brainstorm ways to inexpensively purchase real cutlery to prevent constant waste w/plastic utensils, as
well as prevent real cutlery from being thrown away accidentally.
Lomakatsi w/Niki DelPizzo:
Ashland Pond riparian restoration helps to remove invasive plants and establish native trees and
shrubs to provide shade to the riparian area; Lomakatsi provides workforce training programs/public
outreach/education to promote land stewardship/SOU student internships.
STEAM curriculum development helps teachers get kids involved, make outdoor classroom.
All classes involved in planting trees along Ashland Creek Nov 7-8, major fundraiser selling trees to
donate to Lomakatsi or plant at home.
Every single student at Helman has gotten to plant a tree. Projects like this are what continue to
define us as a school and a community.
Ashland Garden Club gave $500 grant, which helped purchase binoculars, tree tags, canopy.
Video Newsletter:
Brenda Cornett will produce this to inform parents about PTA fundraising and what the $$ is doing
for our kids in school-will help generate more involvement and excitement about fundraising.
Will model Trish’s Dragon’s Roar, involving kids in interviewing teachers, explaining items needed
and grant requests.
Philip Krayna will help embed video into emails, rather than a link, for user friendliness; Julie
McGrath volunteered to help.
Tone Def:
concert on Oct 17th, 6:30-8pm in cafeteria; donations taken at door; 50/50 split w/PTA.
Arianna and Philip purchased plastic bins to organize tshirts/hoodies-kept in PTA locker, as well as
now have a dedicated envelope to help keep track of sales. Include sales w/Pizza Fridays and
Bike/Walk to School days.
PTA goal is to carry less inventory putting more $$ back into classrooms.
Cost TBD based on cost of one-sided logo.
Walkathon Pledge envelope
Collection box in Malinda’s office as well as in each classroom.
Bulb Sale:
Michelle Ross volunteered to take this on!
Budget discussion:
Budget framework to help meet/exceed our goals.
Gus suggests writing grants to science organizations to increase Lomakatsi funding.
Niki believes she can get another $500 grant.
vote on Lomakatsi as a budget item for ’13/14 schoolyear.
Philip will report next month on ideas and amounts for acoustic/art-hanging solutions.
Philip moved to approve budget, Michelle C seconded – unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm