Helman PTA Minutes November 12, 2013

In attendance: Gus Janeway, Colleen Gibbs, Laurie Kemper, Philip Krayna,
Aleah Heil, Samantha Hodesson, Debbie Tegarden, Becky DeSalvo
Glenna Stiles, Kari Smith, Mary Snowden, Erin Finney, Mia Driscoll,
Becky Sniffen, Blaine Pickett, Arianna VanHeusen, Jill Williams, Trish Dorr
Call to order – 6:30pm
Laurie moved to approve last month’s minutes, Glenna seconded – motion carries.
Membership: Aleah will send out reminder to former PTA members to join!
Financial Report:
 Laurie reported on PTA current finances
RFCU checking: $15,421.04
RFCU savings: $1000.06
WF checking: $3806.42
WF savings: $361.26
Total overall: $20,588.78
 Awesome participation in Walkathon – our goal was $5K, actual made $6274.37+; this extra
amount made erased the budget deficit!
 There was a doubling of participation in envelope returns; a general consensus that this year the
event was more organized and had better marketing, including the very popular raffle!
 Mary suggests having kids decorate their envelopes next year for more ownership.
 Last year helped to fund science-related studies; this year will help purchase binoculars and a
densiometer. Mia will give a budget amount for binoculars.
 Brenda Cornett will do interviews w/kids about the Ashland Pond Project for use in marketing it
next year.
 Glenna moved to approve financial report, Philip seconded – motion carries.
Teacher’s reps open forum:
 New glaze purchase order from Kari: $200. She’s spent many hours trying to reconstitute
current glazes, which have aged and dried; by the holidays, have volunteers help mix glazes to
save what’s possible to.
 Magic Tree House books cost less than planned; murals also cost less. Excess $$ will go back
into general fund and redistributed.
 Glenna moved to approve $200 for glazes, Trish seconded – motion carries.
 Proposed that each classroom use reusable dishes and flatware to stem the waste of disposables
used for the many different class parties.
 Be active stewards of our planet by drastically reducing our carbon footprint.
 IKEA has BPA-free plastic and recyclable sets.
 Each classroom would store their set in a bin in class.
 Concerns: teachers don’t have time to organize, and sanitizing;
Solutions: a room parent and kids can take them home to clean; Gema said there are no
statewide regs, but suggested Sanitize setting on dishwasher or bleach dunk/rinse/air dry.
 Trish and Kari (?) will pilot this project. Total cost estimate for dishes/flatware/bins is $650. Proposed budget of $100 for pilot, from
leftover grant $$.
 Glenna moved to amend budget to include $100 for this, Mary seconded – motion carried.
 Local lunch didn’t reach goal to offset costs: labor costs weren’t factored in. Helman had
awesome participation, and aside from cost, was an overall success!
 Traci, Melina and Gema are invited to next month’s mtg for more info from RVF2S
 Metal vs: plastic utensils in cafeteria – Gema not ready to take loss from this investment due to
budget deficit.
 Charlie DiSalvo, student council rep, proposed having kids practice not throwing away utensils
by:(1)using bins at ends of lunch tables to collect them before trays reach garbage; (2)have
students make signs for use in cafeteria; (3)have an assembly about it, featuring Henry.
Trish will talk about Cool Streams grant at next month’s PTA meeting.
Philip: Acoustics in cafeteria
 spoke w/acoustics engineer who will come up w/free plan for cafeteria ceiling
 consider magnetized metal strips throughout cafeteria to hang art, though expensive.
 Mary will help Philip; Glenna would like sunny colors, if possible.
Gus put out call for Grant Committee volunteers
Becky will delay Mayfaire presentation(report)
Webmaster: Sean Smith volunteered, and is also doing the yearbook!
Philip and Arianna: T’shirts and hoodie sales
 recommend selling at holiday music show, Harvest meal, Matt’s storytelling night
 email Meredith w/dates for volunteers to help sell
 Friday folder prompt to order shirts/hoodies
 Arianna will set up box/order form, volunteers to coordinate.
Trish moved to adjourn meeting, Laurie seconded – motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:06pm