Date, Time, Location: Thursday October 8, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the library.
Meeting called to order by Joe Shannon at 6:34 p.m.
Attendance: Jessica Bendaw, Shane Hunter, Joe Shannon, Mia Driscoll, Amy Sloper, Kiley Flieger, Elisa Hawksley, Amy Merwin, Maya Moore, Avril Betoushana, Kim Heeter, Toni Dimaggio, Arianna Van Heusen, Trish Dorr
There were 14 in attendance and a quorum was reached. Everyone made introductions.
Minutes: Meeting minutes from 9/08/16 were read and approved with minor grammatical corrections.
Old Business:
Teacher Appreciation Gift from PTA– given by Mia Driscoll
- A Big Thank You! on behalf of the teachers for the Keurig Coffee maker and other goodies that the PTA gifted the teachers at the end of the school year, last year.
Helman Hoedown–
- A great success again this year! The food donated was beautiful and delicious!
- Considering creating a Hoedown Event Committee to take over the task of running this event next year. Becky Sniffen has stepped down.
- Some considerations for next year’s event:
- Food Donations- Find a Restaurant willing to donate food next year
- Grills?
- Brainstorm ways to help the food lines move a little more quickly.
- Cakewalk voucher tickets need to be replaced, some of them are so old, they are falling apart.
- Big Thanks to all the parent, teacher and E.A.’s for volunteering!
Walk-A-Thon: given by Joe Shannon
- Total miles walked this year- 543 miles!
- Gus, Kayde and Sheila did a great job organizing the event!
- Teachers liked how the color coding of their wristbands indicated where you stand to start. There was also appreciation that groups were split into classrooms rather than girls/boys.
- There were intended to be apples available to give students afterwards as their snack, but somehow that didn’t happen. A mother who works for SunCrest Foods donated plenty of snack bars. Apples would be the best snack to procure for next year, no garbage!
- For next year: Hold the event NOT on a Wednesday, preferably a Tuesday, due to Maintenance mowing the lawn and a lot of loose grass all over the classrooms after the event.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report- given by Shane Hunter
- Helman Hoedown– tee shirt sales: $260; Cakewalk- $900; Donation Jar: $400
- Donations from Ella Bella Farm, Shop-N-Kart, Lark’s and Scott Bransteader as well as Backstage Bar and Grill donated foods from organic veggies, burgers, side salads and condiments.
- Total cost of the event was $700.
- OBOB– books have been purchased.
- State reporting fee has been paid.
- Mia moves to accept the budget as it is and Arianna seconds the motion. All are in favor.
New Business:
Fundraising Opportunity- PTA Sell Matt Damon’s new book– given by Joe Shannon
- We are given the opportunity to purchase Matt’s new published book at cost of $9.00 per book with no shipping charges and sell them as a fundraiser for as much as we want.
- Brainstorming ways to sell the book such as table selling out front of the office, during a school event such as the Talent show, holding a storytelling assembly where Matt reads from his book and we sell the book at the event, signed copies, selling copies through the PTA website, book signing in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary Event.
- Mia will ask Michelle if it will be possible to have Matt Damon table in front of the office, signing and selling books or a storytelling event, to ensure there is no conflict with his job position with the district.
- We will table this discussion for now, gather more information and make a decision soon.
Henry the Dragon Costume- given by Avril Betoushana
- Avril met with Farrah the OSF Costume Shop employee who will be creating our custom costume. She took measurements and pictures of the current costume. Malinda was also available to give important details to consider and include in our new costume.
- There will be a washable insert and washing care for the outer fabric was discussed. Weight of the head was considered as well as making it variable sizing so it can be worn by different sized people.
- A question to the teachers: Do you want Henry to look exactly like our brand Henry Dragon? White sneakers and baseball cap? Or look more like a traditional dragon? Teachers will discuss this in a near future meeting.
Bike and Walk to School- given by Kim Heeter
- First week was slow due to rain. Over the course of the month, participation picked up. The last one of the month is Oct. 26th.
- In order for Kim to purchase small raffle prizes and other necessary items for this event we need to give her a budget.
- 2 raffle prizes per grade level and a grand prize?
- Mia moves to create a Budget Line Item: Bike and Walk to School for $300, to be amended as needed. Arianna and Toni second the motion simultaneously. All are in favor.
Book Swap- given by Kim Heeter
- Kim and Jen Rogers are coordinating this event which will take place Wed., Thurs., Fri. Nov. 2nd, 3rd and 4th in the cafeteria at 8-8:15 a.m. and during lunch.
Ashland Pond Days- given by Joe Shannon and Mia Driscoll
- Takes place November 15th, 16th and 17th.
- Nicki from Lomakatsi will be invited to our next month’s meeting for her presentation.
OBOB- given by Joe Shannon
- School Registration fee has been paid and Books have been ordered.
After School Art Program- given by Shane Hunter
- Toni makes a motion that PTA sponsors the After School Art Program for the amount that is shown in the budget. Mia seconds the motion. All are in favor.
Open Items:
Request for reimbursement- given by Shane Hunter
- Meredith McFadden the CDS Specialist has requested $30.95 to be reimbursed for small books and games to be given to students who come to her office, to play with during the visit or to take home.
- Mia moves to reimburse $30.95. Arianna seconds the motion. All are in favor.
- The Mia, Michelle and the teachers will talk further at a future staff meeting about if/how to proceed with funding the CDS Specialist classroom.
Ordering 50th Ann. Hoodies and Tee shirts –
- Arianna needs to know when and what she needs to order. Do we want tees AND hoodies? When do we want them by? Michelle will be consulted about this.
- An order will take about 4 weeks to process and receive.
Classroom Grant Rollover? –
- There has been a question asked via email regarding unused classroom grant monies and the possibility of having them rollover into the next year’s funds. No one at the meeting had the details on hand to speak on the subject. Mia will bring it up at a staff meeting to find clarification.
- Jessica voiced concern at this idea. In her opinion the money is there to be taken full advantage of, for the enrichment of the classroom experience for the students of that school year.
Next Meeting on November 10th 2016, in the library
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. by Joe Shannon
Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary