PTA Dec 2015 Minutes

Helman Elementary PTA

December 2015 General Meeting Minutes

Date, Time, Location: Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the library


Meeting called to order by President Sheri Cellini at 6:05 p.m.

Attendance: Mia Driscoll, Michelle Cuddeback, Sheri Cellini, Jessica Bendaw, Kari Smith, Phyllis Cooley, Becky Sniffen, John Williams, Anne Robison, Sue McGrath and Avril Betoushana. There were 11 members in attendance; a quorum was reached. There is 1 guest in attendance, Jeremiah Paladino from TGA of Southern Oregon.

Minutes: The meeting minutes of 11/3/2015 were read and approved.


TGA Premier Golf and Tennis of Southern Oregon: given by Jeremiah Paladino, chapter director

  • “Teach, Grow, Achieve” franchise founded in California 10 years ago
  • Currently in various schools in Medford, would like to offer the program in Ashland
  • Golf and Tennis lessons for K-5th grade
  • Each sport: 6 week sessions, 1 hour, 1 time per week, 4 sessions per year, next session is to start in February
  • Takes place on the school campus, indoor or outdoor, during after school hours directly after school dismissal, practices taking place on different days
  • No cost to the school, parent funded $105 per session, 5% multiple student and multiple sport session discounts available; up to 50% financial aid discount available for students who qualify
  • ALL equipment is provided; indoor safe, soft foam balls, clubs, rackets, nets etc., student handbook
  • 8:1 student/instructor ratio, Head coach and assistant coach; depending on available space classes would be no more than 21 students
  • Includes educational and “character” lessons- TGA’s “5 E’s”- Engage (intro to character theme, ex. Respect), (warm up and agility skills), Educate (review last weeks lesson, intro to new lesson), Explore, (drills, practice, skills progression, rules and etiquette), Embrace (class ending game), Empower (recognition for students who display character development theme of the day, prizes to “best students” handed out)
  • Color coded 5 level system, pass each level after passing a rule/etiquette and skills exam at the end of each session, winning a prize every time a student passes
  • TGA takes care of registration via their website, rosters, scheduling, space reservations and any space rental costs, coaches, insurance. Also provided if desired are demonstrations at school assemblies and free golf/tennis games at our Mayfair carnival. The Only thing asked of the school is the O.K. to run the program and to hand out flyers in paper of digital form
  • Back ground checks run on all coaches 1 to 3 times, no requirement for CPR/First Aid though some coaches are certified

Becky Sniffen will make contact with participating schools to solicit their feedback of the program.

Michelle asked for general feedback from PTA, which was positive. Some concerns involved the prize component, which if eliminated would cut cost and a feeling of competition. Being involved with after school childcare at Helman, Kari Smith brought up safety concerns with the number of instructors with limited first aid requirements. Michelle will make a decision about adopting this program at Helman.

Old Business:

Book Swap- given by Sheri Cellini via an email from Bridget Bloch

  • Another successful book swap!
  • Bridget will clean up excess board books and donate those that are too young for our students.
  • We are in need of 4th and 5th grade reading level chapter books
  • Instead of PTA paying for books, an email will go to parents specifically requesting used chapter books. Sheri will email the middle school and Avril will look at the Rogue Book Exchange and used bookstores. Becky will solicit Ashland Library.
  • We are still in need of a volunteer to run the Spring Book Swap

Sound boards- (“homasote” sound barrier boards)

  • So far, no interest for them on Craig’s list, Sheri will repost them for $15 each in the “materials” section
  • Michelle will post them for sale in the December Helman newsletter
  • If the boards are not sold by our February PTA meeting, then we will donate them

Giving Snowflake- given by Mia Driscoll

  • Snowflakes have been made and hung on the front office
  • A few days into it, at this point there are 8 gift requests, but more will be coming in
  • The Maslow project will be contacted in order to connect our “snowflake project” with any of their families in need
  • John Williams also offered the suggestion to follow up with former Helman student families now at the middle school to see if they are in need
  • There is clarification with the Helman Hug Fund: Those funds are allocated for “catastrophic “ events.

Stories Alive-

  • When teachers discussed this at their staff meeting, there were concerns about cost for this year. They liked the assembly component but because there were less than 20 students participating in the after school component and that seems to be the bulk of the cost. Could we get the program to be modified for our school: have the beginning and ending assembly, students write stories on their own and submit them in the “machine” and have a prorated price.
  • The question for Jeanne Renaux is: For a prorated price could the program be altered for us so that we could forgo the writing workshops, but keep the beginning and ending assembly, have the “machine” and teachers will write with there students in class?
  • Sheri Cellini will be the contact and follow-up for this

Sand boxes- given by Mia Driscoll

  • Boy scout help was greatly appreciated and the sand box is well loved by all the students!

Garden boxes- given by Mia Driscoll

  • Boxes set up and full of dirt, irrigation in and ready to plant
  • Still need to purchase deer netting, and will happen when they are planted
  • A thank you card will be sent to Boy Scout Troup 112

Lego Club (Not a PTA run event)

  • Fridays, starting in January takes place in the cafeteria 3-4pm
  • Michelle will solicit parent volunteers in the December newsletter, also an email to Glenna Stiles soliciting high school students needing to fulfill senior project volunteer hours (Helman Alumni)
  • A sign up/permission slip will go to students in their Friday folder

Ashland Pond Days

  • Starts tomorrow, Wednesday, December 2nd. Thursday and Friday will be workdays on the bike path side of the pond project. One-hour time block per class. Gloves and extra boots are available for the students.


Committee Reports:

Treasury Reportgiven by Sheri Cellini and Anne Robison

  • At their next staff meeting, teachers need to review the classroom supplies list to make sure it is accurate.
  • At their last staff meeting, teachers approved the “per pupil” dividing of the classroom enrichment grant.

Student Council: given by Michelle Cuddeback

  • Pilot Project soft proposals: “Buddy Bench”- One of the existing benches by the tennis courts be painted green with yellow letters outlined in purple. The idea is that if a student is without someone to play with, they can sit on that bench and if a student sees someone sitting there, they can approach them and ask them to play. “Work-out-Wall” or “Problem Solving Circle” – a place on the playground for students who are having disagreements to go and help them solve the problem by themselves.
  • Michelle motions for playground enrichment grant money and Anne seconds the motion.

School Board Update- given by John Williams

  • School district is still trying to fund turf project.
  • If you anyone has a topic they would like to discuss with the school board they need to email board members individually in order for it to be put on their meeting agenda.  School board meeting are more of a public observation of the school board working on current items of concern.


Next meeting is at 6pm January 5th 2016 in the school library


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. by Sheri Cellini


Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary