Helman Elementary PTA
May 2017 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, Location: Thursday May 11, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.
Meeting called to order by Joe Shannon at 6:33 p.m.
Attendance: Shane Hunter, Joe Shannon, Avril Betoushana, Jessica Bendaw, Kevin Bendaw, Becky Sniffen, Vivian Diaz-Dygert, Anne Collonge, Mia Driscoll, Michelle Cuddeback, Amy Merwin, Arianna Van Heusen, Gus Janeway
There were 13 in attendance and a quorum was reached. We have no guests.
Minutes: Meeting minutes from 4/06/17 were read and approved with no changes.
Committee Reports:
Treasure’s Report- given by Shane Hunter
- There is a lot of end of year spending happening, which is great. He is in the process of updating the books as receipts come in. Expenditures such as tee shirt sales, field trips, event expenses have yet to registered in the budget.
Old Business:
Mayfair- given by Becky Sniffen
- Approximately $12,000 was raised this year! The break down:
- Big Ticket raffle- $800
- Disneyland Raffle- $1,000 +
- Pick-A-Party- $1,200 +
- Carnival Games/Classroom Booths- $3,600
- Food sales- $1,200
- Silent Auction- $4,058
- Usually an ad is taken out in the “Sneak Preview” and the “Locals Guide” at a cost of hundreds, but Becky didn’t do that this year. She did some flyering around town.
- This year’s event felt well managed and smooth. Despite a decrease in advertising, there seemed to be a nice sized crowd. Now that this is an event that has been happening 5 years, local community outside of our school know of and come to the event, from school alumni, neighbor schools and preschoolers.
- One comment noted was that the Prize line was a long wait. The more man power there is working the tables, the more quickly the line can move. Kids enjoy taking their time choosing prizes, often times coming back through the line again and again. Volunteers do their best to assist kids in making choices and moving through.
- The first week in May seems to be the best weekend for this event.
Science Fair- given by Avril Betoushana
- It was a fun event with a large amount of entries.
- Many many thanks to the many parent volunteer judges. They make this event what it is and the students learn so much in the process.
- Dave and Daisy Herring have been running this event for some years and always do a wonderful job bringing this event together, thanks to them! We will confirm that they will run this event next year as well.
Teacher Appreciation Week– given by Mia Driscoll
- The teachers felt extremely appreciated and are so grateful! Everyone was so happy.
- Christa Reeves had a big hand in facilitating the events of the week and thank you so very much to her!
- Avril jumped in to help this year and learned more of the detail that go into this event.
State PTA Convention- given by Joe Shannon
- Joe went as our school representative. It has many years since someone from our school or area, has participated. The next closest school that goes is Grants Pass and that president is the Regional PTA rep.
- Good for networking with others schools.
- The assistant to the governor was there, talking about the HUGE 600 MILLION DOLLAR SHORTFALL for the state’s K-12 education fund that is in the near future. That’s big…
- Joe, being a “number’s guy” was interested in the fact that over 80% of the stat’s K-12 students are in Portland district.
- Other Stats: For 2015-16, On-time graduation rates for students beginning school in K and traveling through to 12, 46% of students w/ disabilities, 29% males, 32% in poverty. As a state, we rank 47th in the Country for reading and math. High teen pregnancy rates.
- We are now finally in “Good Standing” with the State and National PTA organizations.
- Joe is requesting the slideshow of stat to share more of the information. He’ll see if Malinda can send out the info in an email.
- An idea Joe has for next year is for something to help those families in need in our school. Example: To promote school spirit, the school could donate one tee shirt to each student. He has other notes on ideas. PTA purchases dinners for families in need? Becky shared how one school filled back packs with food and kids could bring one home a week and bring the empty pack back to be filled again for others.
Open Items:
Soundboards/Storage Update- given by Joe Shannon
- Conversations of Storage solutions is tabled for now. There is an impasse on where a unit can be placed on the grounds. Storage is an ongoing problem and does still need addressing. This will be looked at again next year.
- Soundboards- They take one to two week to install and the work can be done over the summer.
- Cost is $24,735.
- Gus asks if anyone has sought grant money opportunities to help offset the cost, has any other financial opportunities been pursued? The answer is no, one one has.
- Can someone make an effort to seek out and apply for grants that fit this project. Grants that we can be eligible for before construction this summer, or can be applied retroactively? Avril will look into grants, especially grants that work with helping students with sensory processing issues.
- Amy Merwin moves that the PTA purchases soundboard soundproofing for the cafeteria for the cost estimate of up to $25,000. Arianna Van Heusen seconds the motion and all are in favor.
New Business:
Wireless Microphone System Proposal- given by Amy Merwin
- The school could use wireless mics to greatly ease anything we do that involves voice amplification, such as the Talent Show and other school presentations.
- Arianna moves for the PTA to purchase wireless microphones, a set not to exceed $350. Amy will make a recommendation. Becky seconds the motion and all are in favor.
Watermelon Olympics-
- Takes place June 5th. Mr. J has everything taken care of. He will send out a flyer asking for parent volunteers.
5th Grade Graduation- given by Joe Shannon
- Avril will create the letter for 4th grade teachers to email their families asking for volunteers to serve cake and refreshments.
Yearbook Sales and Distribution- given by Avril Betoushana
- It’s complete and 45 extra were ordered. They have already arrived!
- They will be distributed at the last day of school.
2017-2018 PTA Officer Positions Voting-
- Avril Betoushana has volunteered to run for President. Joe Shannon volunteered to run as Vice President. Shane Hunter volunteers to run for Treasurer.
- Gus moves for Avril Betoushana to be President, Joe Shannon to by Vice President, Shane Hunter to be Treasure with Secretary as an OPEN position still to be filled. Arianna seconds the motion and all are in favor.
- Emile Betoushana has volunteered to be the Media Coordinator. He will upkeep the website and our other media presence such as Facebook.
- The Board also needs a Volunteer/Membership coordinator and a Helman Hoedown Lead (non exec board).
- Vivian is open to co chairing the Vol/Mem coordinator position with Kristie Cox. Jessica would be open joining the committee. Gus made a great suggestion that room parents should be identified at the end of the prior year. It will be great to have this position filled and some great ideas will improve this aspect of how the school can run.
Book Covering Library Proposal- given by Becky Sniffen
- Becky proposes we purchase a book covering package for the library for $70 and a laminate “Open” sign for the front entrance at $102.99. Arianna makes a moves that the library receives $200 for spending. Amy seconds the motion and all are in favor.
Classroom Plastic ware replenishment and silverware in the cafeteria- given by Arianna Van Heusen
- Some classroom IKEA plastic ware supplies have dwindled and we should consider replacing 5 sets. Joe asks teachers/EA’s to take inventory and come back with a complete list and proposal.
- Arianna is asking the PTA to annually replenish the silverware in the cafeteria. Without silverware, students are throwing away so much plastic ware.
- Can the 5th Grade Recycling group somehow be engaged with bringing school awareness to using less plastic in the cafeteria. Possibly purchase the silverware along with start a campaign to use it. Michelle will think more into this.
Other Screening of “ Screenagers”- given by Michelle Cuddeback
- Becky moves to approve $130 to contribute to facilitating another free viewing at Ashland Cinema. Anne seconds the motion and all are in favor. It will go to the WWCA, Willow Wind Community Association.
Last Meeting of the Year on Thursday June 8th 2017 at 6:30 p.m., in the library
Meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. by Joe Shannon
Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary