Helman Elementary PTA
May 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, Location: Tuesday May 3, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Sheri Cellini at 6:40 p.m.
Attendance: Sheri Cellini, Michelle Cuddeback, Anne Robison, Avril Betoushana, Jessica Bendaw, Tia McLean, Mia Driscoll, Becky Sniffen, Joe Shannon, Shane Hunter, Arianna Van Heusen, Karen Openheim, Toni Dimaggio, Blaine Pickett, Kim Heeter, Xandria Nohr, Julie Seymore, and Susie Garcia.
There are 17 in attendance and everyone made introductions.
Minutes: Meeting minutes from 4/5/16 were read and approved with no changes.
Open Items:
Children’s Advocacy Center- given by Sheri Cellini
- The class will be held at Belleview Elementary Wed. May 11th from 9-12 noon.
- There will be another class held some time in the fall.
New Dragon Costume- given by Sheri Cellini
- Sheri will email Jay at OSF to solicit a bid from the costume department to make the costume.
- An idea was suggested to also approach China Larsen, an AHS student who just won a costume contest. Sheri will see if she can make the costume.
- Teachers have discussed at their last staff meeting, but have not made any final opinions on costume suggestions found online.
Yearbook- given by Sheri Cellini
- It is complete thanks to Sean Smith, Avril Betoushana, Sheri Cellini and Jennifer Rader!
- 38 extra copies have been purchases by PTA and they will cost $12 each.
- Mia moves to have a presale and Arianna seconds the motion. All are in favor.
- Yearbooks will arrive around May 23-31st. There will be a presale of these extra copies before they arrive. A table sale will be held for any remaining yearbooks during the last week of school.
Teacher Appreciation- given by Sheri Cellini
Happening this week, it is going well! Teachers are feeling appreciated!
Spring Book Swap-
- Mia moves that the PTA sponsor the spring Book Swap and Arianna seconds the motion. All are in favor.
- It will be held Wed., Thurs., and Friday May 25-27th in the cafeteria.
- Jen Rogers, Kara Sandburg, Kim Heeter are leading this event
- Kim is willing to run the Book Swaps next year as well!
Mayfaire- given by Becky Sniffen
- Everything is moving along.
- 5 big ticket raffle items, including the Disney Land raffle.
- There are many great silent auction items.
- TGA will be there to set up a free putting area.
- To improve connectivity to web and cell phone reception for credit card payments on the playground, Joe Shannon will obtain a few hotspots through US Cellular to set up.
Watermelon Olympics-
- This will be held Friday, June 3rd.
- Mr. H. runs this event and will send an email via Malinda and a sign up sheet soliciting parent volunteers for the stations.
- PTA purchases watermelons.
- Anne will contact Mr. H. to inquire on what else he might need from the PTA.
5th Grade Graduation- given by Sherri Cellini
- Graduation takes place June 9th 10-11 a.m. and the reception is to follow from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
- We need 4th grade parent volunteers to put together a reception after the graduation ceremony.
- Volunteers will set up, serve cake and drinks and clean up afterwards.
- Toni Dimaggio will order and pick up 2 sheet cakes from Costco. Joe Shannon will purchase the drinks.
- $200 is budgeted for this event.
Spring Bike and Walk- given by Blaine Pickett
- This is Blaine Pickett’s last year to run this event and we need a new parent volunteer for next year.
- Fireupyourfeet.com or the Bicycle Transportation Association gives donations of stickers and other freebie gifts for handing out to participants. Blaine also usually goes to Costco and purchases fruit leathers as prizes.
- The event runs Wednesday mornings in the months of October and May, 8- 8:15 a.m.
- There is a raffle sign up and a snack or sticker for participants. The raffle is held the last day.
- Kim Heeter has volunteered to help Blaine this month, to learn the ropes of the event for next year.
50th Anniversary Committee- given by Michelle Cuddeback
- Michelle met with Brenda Cornett yesterday and approved the final design for the tee shirts.
OBOB- given by Sheri Cellini
- This discussion is being tabled this month because teachers are still in discussions at their staff meeting about their feelings of continuing or how best to continue the program.
- Sheri shared comments from parents —Parents are very passionate about maintaining OBOB at Helman and are committed to making it work here, even if that means not holding practices at the school during school hours. They are very open and willing to find solutions that work for all involved.
Helman Hug Fund Ask- given by Sheri Cellini
- Sheri is asking if the Hug Fund is open to Helman Alumni? A high school senior and former Helman student, TarQuin Daley recently sustained injuries from an uninsured drunk driver and his family needs help for medical bills. Can we use some Hug Fund money to donate on behalf of Helman School?
- Avril moves to donate $300 from the Helman Hug fund on behalf of Helman School to Tarquin Daley’s GoFundMe.com fundraiser towards medical bills. Anne seconds the motion and all are in favor.
New Business:
New PTA Officers- given by Sheri Cellini
- New Officers were nominated and elected and will take over July 1st, 2016.
- Anne nominates Shane Hunter for Treasurer and Avril seconds the motion. All are in favor. Tia nominates Joe Shannon for President, Michelle seconds the motion and all are in favor. Mia nominates Avril Betoushana as Co-President, Michelle seconds the motion and all are in favor. Mia nominates Jessica Bendaw as Secretary, Anne seconds the motion and all are in favor. Sheri nominates Susie Garcia for Volunteer Coordinator for the rest of this school year, as a trial. Mia seconds the motion and all are in favor.
Class Photo Photographer for next year- given by Sheri Cellini
- PTA supports continuing to do business with Bryon DeVore as our school photo photographer. Michelle is in communication with him.
Ideas and Suggestions for the new board to consider for next year-
- We will look at how to boost or social media presence and well as a bigger effort to reach out to our school community through communications such as a newsletter and the website blog.
- Take a look at changing the time of the meetings in order to potentially accommodate more parent participation at meetings.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report- given by Anne Robison
- We have approximately $30,000 in our savings account. Anne recommends for next year, along with continuing our great fundraising efforts, develop our money spending on great projects
- Teachers continue to cash in on class grant monies but there is still plenty to be claimed.
Next meeting is at 6pm June 7th 2016 in the school library
Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m. by Sheri Cellini
Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary