Helman Elementary PTA
June 2016 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, Location: Tuesday June 7, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting called to order by Sheri Cellini at 6:11 p.m.
Attendance: Sheri Cellini, Michelle Cuddeback, Anne Robison, Avril Betoushana, Jessica Bendaw, Tia McLean, Mia Driscoll, Becky Sniffen, Joe Shannon, Shane Hunter, Arianna Van Heusen, Gus Janeway and Susie Garcia.
There are 13 in attendance and a quorum is reached. Everyone made introductions.
Minutes: Meeting minutes from 5/3/16 were read and approved with one change. Add Tia McLean to attendance roster. Tia nominated Joe Shannon, not Anne and that detail will be changed in the “New PTA Officers” section.
Old Business:
Mayfaire Wrap-up – given by Becky Sniffen
- Very rainy this year, thank goodness for shade tents. We did not have the Dragon Bounce House of the 5th Grade Dunk Tank, which have been crowd favorites in years past.
- Big Thanks to Joe Shannon for helping set up the Wi-Fi “hotspots” as well as all the help he offered that entire day!
- $14,382.00 minus expenses, our profit this year is: $12, 080.00!!!!
- Improvement suggestions for next year-
- Streamline auction check out.
- Prize committee needs year round storage. Can we arrange the PTA storage closet better? Other solutions?
- Find a cheaper alternative for the Photo Booth.
- Roxy and her turnovers had a sell out this year but she won’t be participating next year. Sheri knows a woman who sells crepes, empanadas and salads. She will give Becky this woman’s contact info.
Teach Appreciation Week Wrap- up – given by Sheri Cellini
- Need to receive outstanding receipts from Courtney and Kristie.
- Teachers felt so loved and appreciated! Many thanks to all involved in making it happen!
- Check in with Courtney Burkholder and Kristie to see if they will lead this event again next year, they did a great job!
Watermelon Olympics- given by Sheri Cellini
- Very hot! It ran very smoothly despite Mr. H getting injured and being sent home. He has this event very well organized and parents, including Arianna and Becky stepped in to help run and clean up after the event.
Open Items:
Yearbook Sales- Sheri Cellini
- 173 books sold via the website so far. Treering.com will plant that many trees in our honor and we received a website “badge” to display. Fun! Sheri will email it to Avril so that it can be added to the website next year.
- Sheri wants to start handing out and selling the 38 extra books at a table on Thursday and Friday after school.
- Susie will man the table in the front of the office directly after school. Sheri will print out the master list of book recipients from the website and have it ready for Susie. She needs one more helper for early release on Friday. Susie will obtain the presale book list from Malinda.
- Next year’s board can discuss having the Yearbook Club next year and who will lead it.
5th Grade Graduation- given by Joe Shannon
- Joe has purchased everything needed, cakes ordered. He has everything planned and he’s ready to go.
- 4 volunteers, Joe, Bridget Bloch, Kayde Limmley and Toni Dimaggio.
Bike and Walk- Fall 2016- given by Sheri Cellini
- Kim Heeter is willing to lead this event next year and would like one other person to volunteer to help her.
OBOB- given by Sheri Cellini
- This event is happening with new parameters set next year. Next year’s board needs to work with the teachers to create the parameters such as team construction and mock battle location and time parameters. It would be good to involve parental input. Should be discussed in the September meeting.
- Jennifer Hall will lead this again next year.
- The books will need to be ordered in September.
- Arianna reported on behalf of some students that they were very disappointed that there was no pizza party for students who read all the book selections this year. The board needs to consider holding the pizza party next year. Or some other reward for their effort.
Dragon Costume Update- given by Sheri Cellini
- Sheri has contacted OSF but has not received a reply.
- We’ll table this discussion until the fall.
Gift for the Teachers- given by Sheri Cellini
- After discussions, we landed on purchasing various office supplies, tea and kettle. Sheri will ask Malinda for her suggestions. It will be a “Teacher’s Cornucopia of Pleasantries” gift basket.
- Joe motions to budget $250 for this gift basket of pleasantries. Anne seconds the motion. All are in favor.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report End of year Wrap-up- given by Anne Robison
- As of July 7th 2015 our bank account was $29,350.00 and as of June 7th 2016 our bank account is $43,390.00.
- T-shirts and fundraising events income in 2015: $25,210. Income for
- 2016: $29, 750.
- Anne makes a suggestion of creating an Emergency Fund. We have so much in reserve, we should ear mark one year’s operating budget ($15,000-$20,000) in a checking or savings account, or possibly invest somehow?
- Our biggest fundraisers brought in more income than we expected!
- Incoming Board can think of ways to spend more money!! Suggestions: one -time expense or ongoing grants; after school programs, performing arts assemblies equipment, perks for teachers, leadership training for PTA board, etc.
- Anne will send the final financial statements after July 1st
- Shane and Anne have already had their meeting and have passed the torch!
- Corporate contributions: Target Red Card brought in $401.99! This is a program we should make aware to families during Yahoo/Boohoo Coffee. Box Tops brought in $323.50 and is another good program to continue.
- While on a biking field trip, another bike repair was needed for a bike in the Helman Fleet. Gus Janeway, owner of Piccadilly Cycles will submit an invoice for $25 ($15 part, $10 labor) to the PTA to Anne. Do we need to increase the Bike Fleet budget?
- Anne sent a check for $2,000 to Lomakatsi for the Pond Project.
- Mia makes a formal request for a line item in the budget for $100 Yearly Sand Box Refill Fund in the 2016/17 PTA Budget. Arianna seconds the motion and all are in favor.
- Sheri makes a motion to use the remaining $240 in “Pilot Project 3” as funding for food and drinks provided at the PTA meeting/ new member mixer held last month. Anne seconds the motion and there are no objections.
- Anne will check in with Courtney and Kristie for Teacher Appreciation Week, and Blaine Pickett for Walk/Bike Month for any outstanding receipts.
- We were under budget in our expenses.
- Anne paid our website hosting.
- Joe Shannon will talk to Wells Fargo Bank, close the account and give any money to Shane.
50th Anniversary Committee- given by Michelle Cuddeback
- Event date is January 17th.
- T-shirts ordered. Arianna will follow up with Brenda Cornett about what was recently ordered. They will revisit quantities of t-shirts and hoodies to order. We will begin selling t-shirts in the beginning of the school year
New Business:
Walkathon Fall 2016- given by Gus Janeway
- Gus and Kayde Limmley will lead this event next fall. A few more
- The goal is to raise a sense of ownership in that students are equal participants in the success of Helman School. Next year’s goal will be 75% participation.
- There will be raffles as incentive to participate. Should the raffles be by classroom or school wide as well as a school wide grand prize? The online donation process will be streamlined as well as redesign the lap counting process. Mia made a suggestion to give apples or fruit as the after event snack.
Mayfaire Scholarship for tokens and table parties- given by Tia McLean
- Tia proposed an idea for later discussion, to create a line item in the Mayfaire budget to include scholarship monies for events at Mayfaire, table parties, tokens, etc. to make the event accessible to Helman families on a limited budget.
Board Planning for September 2016- given by Sheri Cellini
- Board needs to discuss Yahoo/Boohoo Coffee, Hoedown, Lomakatsi Pond project, OBOB
- For Hoedown, Neil Clooney, owner of Smithfield’s has a child at Helman; he may be good to approach for food sponsorship.
Next Meeting in September 2016
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. by Sheri Cellini
Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary