Helman Elementary PTA
April 2017 General Meeting Minutes
Date, Time, Location: Thursday April 6, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.
Meeting called to order by Joe Shannon at 6:33 p.m.
Attendance: Bridget Bloch, Shane Hunter, Joe Shannon, Avril Betoushana, Jessica Bendaw, Becky Sniffen, Yoko Hendrix, Kristie Cox, Valerie McCoy, Joe Dunbrasky, Becky Sniffen, Katie Ali, Denise Souza Finney
There were 11 in attendance and a quorum was reached. We have no guests.
Minutes: Meeting minutes from 3/09/17 were read and approved with no changes.
Committee Reports:
Treasure’s Report- given by Shane Hunter
- We have the Helman Hug Fund, restricted funds that are available and have not been used or added to. There is currently $1,244 in the fund. Is there anyone in the Helman school in need?
- Science Fair went over budget $50. The Music room enhancements went over budget; electrical chords were purchased for the keyboards. Shane moves to raise the budget line item for the Science Fair $50 and the Music room enhancements $100, the actual dollar amounts spent. Someone seconds the motion and all are in favor.
- The 2016/17 school year PTA Financial Transactions Audit has been completed. Everything looks good and there are no recommendations. Bridget moves to approve the audit. Kristie seconds the motion and all are in favor.
Old Business:
Talent Show- given by Katie Ali
- Many thanks to those who volunteered and made the Talent Show happen! Amy Merwin, Denise Souza Finney, Katie Ali, Kristie Cox, Kathrine and Ivy.
- Some aspects that will get more focus next year: Age appropriate music, school atmosphere appropriate music selections, stronger deadlines for music submissions as part of participation requirements. Crowd control is an ongoing problem that was brainstormed about.
- Having Amy, the music teacher assisting in the event was a great help. She knows the students, offered her music room as rehearsal space and has good knowledge of what is needed for an event like this.
- Amy would like to hold the Talent show in November or December next school year. Planning would begin in September.
First Lego League- given by Bridget Bloch
- Thank you PTA for funding this club, the kids loved it. It’s so good, it’s so worth the money.
- Bridget recommends 2 smaller teams (5-6 students) rather than 1 large group of 10. Delegation of tasks, decision making and other things would work more easily with smaller groups. Maybe even and all girl team.
- There is a good bit of work that goes in the project and completion, 2-3 days, 2-3 hours per week. Bridget suggests parent volunteers knowing or learning programming and coding. She suggests registering early, in August and begin work then. Also begin introducing this to the 3rd graders as a non competitive team. Mentorship for knowledgeable people in the community would be wonderful.
- Bridget will be happy to consult with the next year parent volunteers.
Art After School Program- given by Denise Souza Finney
- Begins next Wednesday. There are 4 classes; 1 Kinder art class, Jewelry making, Needle felting, and Drawing.
- Classes are not all full at this point, she will put another flyer out tomorrow to fill the rest of the openings.
Open Items:
Yearbook– given by Yoko Hendrix
- She has received and is using the reformatted pictures from the photographer and it is helping her process. She is continuing the editing process. She really needs more pictures, particularly photos from field trips, classroom events, etc. She is asking parents, E.A.’s and teachers.
Science Fair- given by Avril Betoushana
- Avril spoke with Daisey Herring and the planning is going smoothly.
- Avril dressed as Henry the Dragon and went class to class to help promote the event. She noticed some tweaks to the costume that could be made to make it more comfortable, such as loosening the head band, it’s a bit tight. She will speak with Farrah, the costume maker about fixing that.
Mayfair- given by Becky Sniffen
- Prize committee is working on cleaning, sorting and pricing toy donation prizes. An email to solicit more donations is going out.
- We have less auction item donation this year than in years past. The Auction committee is putting together prize packages and coming up with creative advertisement flyers to go out to parents.
- Derek Snider is leading the classroom game booth element of the event.
- Food vender is crepes this year.
- Becky is in need for many volunteers for the day of the event. She will be at the Science Fair to solicit volunteers.
- Could teachers identify families that could use assistance in affording to participate, maybe they could be given prize tokens?
New Business:
Teacher appreciation Week- given by Becky Sniffen
- Traditionally there is someone from the PTA leading the effort to offer something everyday of that week. We need to identify someone to lead that. Kristie Cox and Courtney Burkholder agreed to do it, and would like a small committee of one or two to help them. Joe will look at the “master” volunteer sheet for names to refer to Kristie and Coutney.
Library Shelf Organization Enhancement- given by Becky Sniffen
- Our current library system for shelving and finding books is very confusing. In most children’s libraries, there are clear and substantial dividers and signage indicating genre and alphabetical order.
- Becky would like to find an affordable solution and looking to the PTA to come up with an idea for dividers and clear signage. As it is now it is a disorganized mess.
- Any and all ideas are welcome, please bring them her way. Her plan is to start rearranging at the end of the school year.
Purchasing a P.A. Sounds system- given by Joe Shannon
- Jessica moves to spend $340 on a portable sound system to be used in all relevant school functions. Seconds the motion and all are in favor.
Next Meeting on Thursday May 11th 2017 at 6:30 p.m., in the library
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. by Joe Shannon
Minutes compiled by Jessica Bendaw, Recording Secretary